20 weeks 2 days
Starting weight: 128
Weight: 137
Waist @ bellybutton: 34"
Issues: I've managed to catch only half of TJ's sickness thank god, but without being able to take any drugs, my throat is bothering the crap out of me!
How Big Is The Baby This Week? about the length of a banana
I feel like a lot of stuff has happened this week, so instead of cluttering up our "It's A Boy" post I figured I'd just write a second one. Besides finding out that we're having a boy, I've also finally realized that what I've been feeling for a few weeks now has actually been the baby moving. I probably barely started to feel it around 16 weeks, but it felt just like muscle spasms to me and I thought that's what they truly were, you know, caused by growing and stretching. Then they started happening a little more frequently, but I still didn't think it was the baby because everyone keeps explaining the feeling as "little butterflies in your tummy", or as gas bubbles, or even as a goldfish swimming around in there. It doesn't feel like any of those things to me. But over the last week or so they've been happening much more frequently, and I'd put my hand where they were to see if I could feel them on the outside, to confirm that it was actually the baby. But I wasn't sure if I was actually feeling it with my hand, or just thinking I was feeling it with my hand because I could feel it from the inside. Am I confusing you?, well, now you know how I felt about it. So the other night I felt it again, and this time I had TJ put his hand there so that he could tell me if you could actually feel it from the outside, and he could! So that confirms it. And what were TJ's words after he felt it?, "that's weird".
We also just recently signed up for Netflix (for TJ), and he created a second account for Kash under which he requests movies for the babies, like Baby Einstein's and Disney movies. Anyway, our first Baby Einstein video came in the mail yesterday and TJ was excited to see his name as the addressee. I think we feel better about everything now that we know it's a him, and now that he has a name it seems more real. Oh, and a tip for all of you that don't like the name Kash, write the full name down on a piece of paper (Kash Glover, middle name TBD), it looks good, and it will make you like it more, really.
And below is my bi-weekly belly shot:
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