"Here I Am!"

"Here I Am!"

Kash's New Website

I have begun Kash's new website. You can find the link to his page in the "Favorite Web Pages" section of this blog. This site will be mostly for uploading photos of him, so you can all see how he's growing. I will also occasionally write journal entries about things he has been experiencing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

21 weeks

21 weeks 2 days
Starting weight: 128
Weight: 133
Waist @ bellybutton: 34.5"
Issues: I'm still sick, I guess it takes longer to get over a cold when your pregnant, bah.
How Big Is The Baby This Week? the length of a carrot

The ultrasound doctor gave me a call on Monday, she wanted to let me know that she spoke with another doctor, who is the head of perinatology at UCSF, about the little spec she saw in Kash's brain. The UCSF doctor told her that they had recently done a study on babies who had that same brain spec show up on their 20 weeks ultrasounds, and that almost all of them had it disappear by the time they came back a few weeks later for a check up. So she just wanted to call to assure me that it is most likely nothing to be worried about at all. But I will still be going back in a few weeks to check up on it, and to get some more pictures of him.

Oh, and we bought a new vacuum. "What does that have to do with the baby?", you might wonder. Well, it's a Dyson, and it's specifically designed to help reduce the causes of allergies and asthma, and if this kid is anything like me or TJ he will have both. Plus the baby will be crawling around on the carpet soon and it would be nice to have it be a clean carpet. You should have seen the amount of dirt and dog hair that the Dyson picked up, that our old crappy vacuum left behind. Disgusting.

Oooh, and I almost forgot, TJ made the baby a shelf for his room! It looks very nice, we just have to stain it now to match the furniture. We need all the extra storage space we can get in this apartment.

I had a strange vision issue yesterday. While I was at work things started to go blurry in the upper right corner of my eyes. It was really strange and it wasn't going away so I started freaking out, I thought I was going blind or something. I called the doctor and they told me to come in, so I did, but all they said was "if it happens again definitely give us a call". My vision went back to normal after about 45 minutes, so it was fine by the time I got to the doctor's office. I wasn't sure it was from my cold or the pregnancy or what. It didn't make me dizzy or anything and I could still see fine (except in that upper right corner), and since my blood pressure was normal at the office they said they don't worry about one time occurrences too much. It still freaked me out though, I've never had that happen before.

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