"Here I Am!"

"Here I Am!"

Kash's New Website

I have begun Kash's new website. You can find the link to his page in the "Favorite Web Pages" section of this blog. This site will be mostly for uploading photos of him, so you can all see how he's growing. I will also occasionally write journal entries about things he has been experiencing. Enjoy!

Friday, May 9, 2008

26 weeks

26 weeks 5 days
Starting weight: 128
Weight: 143
Waist @ bellybutton: 37.25''
Issues: same ol' same ol', my back hurts.
How Big Is The Baby This Week? about the length of a cucumber, and he weighs over a pound and a half.

Well, the doctor called last weekend with the results of my gestational diabetes test, which was negative. However, it turns out that I have developed anemia. So, now I get to take 2 iron pills a day, along with some vitamin C. Add this to my prenatal vitamin, my omega 3 supplement, and my magnesium pill, and my daily pill regimen has gone from 2-3 a day to 5-6 a day. Oh joy.

The baby is getting stronger, his kicks are starting to hurt a little bit. I'm considering lowering my intake of milk (j/k). But it's weird, sometimes I'll see my stomach move from a kick or a punch, but I won't feel it from the inside. I'm not quite sure how that's possible?

Here are my latest pictures:

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