"Here I Am!"

"Here I Am!"

Kash's New Website

I have begun Kash's new website. You can find the link to his page in the "Favorite Web Pages" section of this blog. This site will be mostly for uploading photos of him, so you can all see how he's growing. I will also occasionally write journal entries about things he has been experiencing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

23 weeks

23 weeks 3 days
Starting weight: 128
Weight: 136
Waist @ bellybutton: 35''
Issues: I've come to realize that eating a bowl of rainbow sherbert and a few handfuls of whoppers right before bed is not a good idea. The baby was doing somersaults and jumping jacks for a good hour before I could fall asleep.
How Big Is The Baby This Week? he weighs about as much as a large mango

We had our check up ultrasound appointment on Monday to look at the speck in Kash's brain again. The doctor said that the speck is about the same size as it was 3 weeks ago, which is good. She said that in comparison with his brain, (which obviously has grown since the last visit) the speck is now so small that if this was our first visit she would have never known it was there. She also said that this sort of thing is sometimes seen in very premature babies, and that if it doesn't disappear and resolve on it's own, it won't have any affect on the way anything else works or develops, so it's basically nothing to worry about. She said that if my doctor thinks it's necessary she can have me bring Kash in after he's born to follow up on it. She gave me a ton of pictures this time, mostly profiles of his face close up. She said "what a beautiful baby", and just kept printing them out. So here is the best one (they all pretty much look the same):

The ultrasound tech gave me a few too, but hers are hard to make out. The one below is his profile again, in the same position as the one above, but he's touching his face so you can also see his shoulder, arm, and hand. Can you see it? I know, like I said, these ones aren't as easy to read.

And last but not least, the doctor also gave me a shot of his "goods". We've gone from 90% to 100% boy. This should prove it (in case you have a hard time with this one, the picture is taken from below his bottom, like he's sitting on the camera):

I also had my normal monthly OBGYN doctor's appointment this week. All went well there too. She said that she spoke with the ultrasound doctor and was told that the original speck had disappeared, and that there was now a new super tiny spec, and that she wants me to come back in for another ultrasound in a month to follow up on the new spec. Confused?, me too. I think what happened was that the ultrasound doctor didn't check my file before she did the 2nd ultrasound, so when she saw the "new" spec she didn't realize it was in a different spot and thought it was the old one. Once she looked at my file after I left she realized it was a different spec and then spoke with my doctor. Since I've now been told by 3 different doctor's that the spec(s) are nothing to worry about, I'm pretty sure that the ultrasound doctor is using me as a guinea pig to fulfill her curiosity about the specs, which is why she wants me to come back in a month. And that's fine with me, because I would never be getting this many ultrasound pictures otherwise.

1 comment:

AngelaRiceBrown said...

Hi there, sorry I haven't stopped by in a little while, I just read that you're having a boy! and I love the name... Anyway just wanted to send my love,

Aunt Angela