"Here I Am!"

"Here I Am!"

Kash's New Website

I have begun Kash's new website. You can find the link to his page in the "Favorite Web Pages" section of this blog. This site will be mostly for uploading photos of him, so you can all see how he's growing. I will also occasionally write journal entries about things he has been experiencing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

11 weeks

11 weeks 3 days
Starting weight: 128
Weight: 126.5
Waist @ bellybutton: 31.5"
Issues: I'm exhausted!
How Big Is The Baby This Week? about the length of a large strawberry

So this week I think I've acquired what they call "pregnancy brain". I came home from work the other day, unlocked the door as usual, came inside. TJ came home shortly after me, and brought me the keys I had left in the door. Later I went to the grocery store, planning on buying all the ingrediants to make chicken enchiladas. I wrote all the ingrediants down on my list, and came home with no chicken. I usually don't forget anything, especially when I make a list (which is always), so if I forget one of your birthdays dear family, don't hold it against me, o.k.?

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