15 weeks 2 days
Starting weight: 128
Weight: 128
Waist @ bellybutton: 32"
Issues: my lower back is starting to hurt
How Big Is The Baby This Week?
about the length of a pear, and as heavy as a grapefruit
So we just got back from our doctor's appointment. When we showed up they placed us in a room with no ultrasound machine, so I was a bit bummed that we weren't going to get another ultrasound. Then the nurse comes in and says that our doctor had to leave to do an emergency C-Section. Double bummer. So we had the option of making another appointment, or seeing the other doctor that was in the office. Well, since I made this appointment late in the day so that TJ could come, and we both rushed over from work to get there, I wasn't about to make another appointment, so we said we didn't mind seeing the other doctor. So a few moments later the "other" doctor comes in and pulls out the doppler device so that he could listen for the baby's heartbeat. For those of you who don't know, the baby's rate is usually much faster than ours until later in the preganancy, and this was the first time I'd had the doppler be used on me, so I was kinda nervous. The first heartbeat he found was mine, the second heartbeat he found was mine, and I was soooo nervous that when he found the third hearbeat he wasn't sure if it was the baby's or mine beacuse my rate was almost exactly as fast as his. So he decided to take us into an ultrasound room to double check that everything was ok. (I knew that the third heartbeat wasn't mine, but I wasn't going to object to taking a look with an ultrasound.) Now since this was the only doctor left in the office for the day, and he was now handling his
and my doctor's patients, he was pretty pressed for time, and all the ultrasound rooms were in use. So we had to go back into the waiting room until one was freed up. Luckily we didn't have to wait too long, we went into the room, I laid down on the table, and before I was even situated the doctor already had the ultrasound probe on my belly and an apparently very active baby was on the screen (I missed this initally dancing around, but at least TJ saw it). We could see the heartbeat, and then the baby did one last convulsion-like movement for me, since he knew I missed the first ones. The doctor measured his head width and it translated into 15 weeks 5 days, which is technically 3 days bigger than he should be, but the doctor says it's right on schedule. So he gave us a picture and sent us on our way.