"Here I Am!"

"Here I Am!"

Kash's New Website

I have begun Kash's new website. You can find the link to his page in the "Favorite Web Pages" section of this blog. This site will be mostly for uploading photos of him, so you can all see how he's growing. I will also occasionally write journal entries about things he has been experiencing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

11 weeks

11 weeks 3 days
Starting weight: 128
Weight: 126.5
Waist @ bellybutton: 31.5"
Issues: I'm exhausted!
How Big Is The Baby This Week? about the length of a large strawberry

So this week I think I've acquired what they call "pregnancy brain". I came home from work the other day, unlocked the door as usual, came inside. TJ came home shortly after me, and brought me the keys I had left in the door. Later I went to the grocery store, planning on buying all the ingrediants to make chicken enchiladas. I wrote all the ingrediants down on my list, and came home with no chicken. I usually don't forget anything, especially when I make a list (which is always), so if I forget one of your birthdays dear family, don't hold it against me, o.k.?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

10 weeks

10 weeks 4 days
Starting weight: 128
Weight: 126.5
Waist @ bellybutton: 30.25"
Issues: I'm sick of eating bread and cheese. And I would love to wake up one morning and not feel like I drank an entire bottle of vodka.
How Big Is The Baby This Week? about the size of a kumquat

Well today was the day I feared most, today I had my 10 week doctor's appointment and this was the appointment that I didn't make it past last time. I've been having some pains in my stomach, and figured they were probably just normal pregnancy pains, but since I've never had a child before I wasn't sure. I've also been having some light brown discharge, which could also be a routine part of a healthy pregnancy, but it's still scary to me to find. But I am just as nauseous as ever, and that's a good sign, so I'm just not sure what to think. I'm trying my best not to let myself have a panic attack while I'm in the room waiting for the doctor. She finally comes in, asks me how I'm doing, and proceeds with the ultrasound to make sure that everything is still going OK. I'm so afraid to look at the screen, but once I hear the doctor say "everything looks good", I turn to look and this is what I see:

The baby measured at 10 weeks 6 days, which is slightly ahead of schedule, but I guess that just means he's healthy. All that bread I've been eating must be fattening him up. The doctor and I continue discussing how I'm doing and she says "wait, look! The baby's moving". He was kicking his legs up down, and then he waved at us! I finally feel a little more optimistic about this one, it looks like he's gonna make it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

9 weeks

I realized today that I had forgoten to take my "before" picture to compare my belly growth to. So I'll have to use my 9 week picture as comparison. There hasn't been too much of a change yet anyway, I notice it, but others probably just think I've been slacking on my excercise (which I have). So yes you may see a bit of a pot belly, but for the most part it was already there.

I've also realized this week that not only do I have morning sickness, but night sickness, almost all day sickness really, but there is usually an hour span in the middle of the day when I don't feel like puking in every trash can I see.

Oh, and I had dream this week that I gave birth to a little girl, who could already talk, and I kept forgetting to put diapers on her so she kept peeing on my leg.

How Big Is The Baby This Week?
about the size of an olive

Thursday, January 3, 2008

8 weeks

8 weeks 4 days
Starting Weight: 128
Weight: 128
Issues: The nausea is growing worse.
How Big Is The Baby This Week?
about the size of a small kidney bean

More good news from the doctor, my second appointment was today and everything continues to be on track. The baby measured right on schedule again, and it's heartbeat continues to look good. The baby has doubled in size since the last appointment, but still looks like a jelly bean:

I still feel like crap. I can only stomach mostly breads and cheeses, so my diet has consisted of the following for the last few weeks:
bagels and cream cheese, saltines, string cheese, yogurt, cereal, cheeze-its, pizza, cherries, dried mango, baked potatoes, potato chips, pretzels, mac & cheese, and popsicles.
I wonder how long this is gonna last...